Monday, August 27, 2012

Divine Wrath Heads for Tampa!!!!!!!!!

GOP Cancels Day One of Convention as Divine Wrath Heads for Tampa

TAMPA, FLA. -- As Tropical Storm Isaac makes its way toward the Florida coast, possibly as a hurrican, the Republican National Convention Committee canceled the first day of proceedings. The convention, at which former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is to formally accept the party's presidential nomination, was slated to becing on Monday.
You'll recall that when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005, right-wing evangelical Republican leaders were quick to describe the storm and its aftermath as God's punishment for New Orleans' sins, America's sins, and, for the most part, the sins of feminists, LGBT people and the liberals who support their quest for full human rights.
This leads us to wonder for what the G.O.P. is being punished should a Hurricane Isaac smack into Tampa Bay? I'd wager to guess there will be a few who will contend that Paul Ryan is God's target for having asked Missouri's Todd Akin, the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, to leave the race after his comments regarding what is and is not  a "legitimate" rape. But that's just a guess. For the record, however, we note that the Family Research Council is standing behind Akin.
Recapping the right-wing response to Katrina some seven years ago, from Media Matters:
Pat Robertson: Katrina linked to legalized abortion
On the September 12 broadcast of the Christian Broadcasting Network's The 700 Club, host Rev. Pat Robertson, founder of the Christian Coalition of America and a former Republican presidential candidate, linked Hurricane Katrina and terrorist attacks to legalized abortion:
ROBERTSON: I was reading, yesterday, a book that was very interesting about what God has to say in the Old Testament about those who shed innocent blood. And he used the term that those who do this, "the land will vomit you out." That -- you look at your -- you look at the book of Leviticus and see what it says there. And this author of this said, "well 'vomit out' means you are not able to defend yourself." But have we found we are unable somehow to defend ourselves against some of the attacks that are coming against us, either by terrorists or now by natural disaster? Could they be connected in some way?
Hal Lindsey: Katrina proof that "judgment of America has begun"
On the September 9 broadcast of the Trinity Broadcasting Network's International Intelligence Briefing, host Hal Lindsey stated:
LINDSEY: It seems clear that the prophetic times I have been expecting for decades have finally arrived. And even worse, it appears that the judgment of America has begun. I warn continually that the last days lineup of world powers does not include anything resembling the United States of America. Instead, a revived Roman Empire in Europe is to rule the West, and then the world.
AlterNet / By Adele M. Stan

Posted at August 26, 2012, 7:03am

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