The three signs in this picture reveals the constitutional ignorance of the right wing nutjobs. They need serious special ed tutoring of civics 101 at a slow enough rate for them to figure it out
The sign in the middle says, A MORAL WRONG CANNOT BE A CIVIL RIGHT. That is a real doozey and stinks
of conservative religious fascism in a nation where religion and government are separated by the religious test ban clause of Article 6 and the establishment clause of the First Amendment. Did you know that the Nazis created an entire bureaucracy to chace down homosexuals and anything to do with Abortions? Created by Himmler, Hitler and Meisinger in 1936, it was called THE REICH CENTRAL OFFICE FOR THE COMBATING OF HOMOSEXUALITY AND ABORTION.
For the longest time, inter-racial marriages were considered morally wrong but In 1967 the United States Supreme Court struck them all down. In 1968 a Gallup poll howed only 20% of Americans approved of mixed race marriages (me being one). Presently a new CNN poll shows a 52% American majority supporting marriage rights for gays and lesbians.
For the longest time, inter-racial marriages were considered morally wrong but In 1967 the United States Supreme Court struck them all down. In 1968 a Gallup poll howed only 20% of Americans approved of mixed race marriages (me being one). Presently a new CNN poll shows a 52% American majority supporting marriage rights for gays and lesbians.
The third sign STOP JUDICIAL TYRANNY is par for the course for the right wing because it represents such a large, ignorant political persuasion in the United States. This persuasion is devoid of an understanding of the constitution's separation or powers and the role of the judiciary to uphold the constitution. And they've never heard of Marbury V Madison which established judicial review as precedent by the USSC and still stands 207 years later because it reflects the intentions of the founders on judiciary powers. That means judicial review of contested laws passed by legislatures or ballot initiative is part of the judiciary's job.The nutcases are absolutely clueless.
Conservatives are people who think its tyranny when someone they don't like gets equal protection under the law; the Bill of Rights. Conservative are people who retch about their lost liberties, WHICH ARE NONE, but hate the gained liberties of groups they wish to keep oppressed. These are the same people that called the Supreme Court case striking down laws against inter-racial marriages - JUDICIAL TYRANNY! The same people that called the Supreme Court holding in Brown V Board of Education - JUDICIAL TYRANNY! JUDICIAL TYRANNY GAVE WOMEN THE RIGHT OF REPRODUCTIVE CHOICE! IT WAS JUCIAL TYRANNY WHEN CHILD LABOR WAS POUTLAWED
The definition of judicial tyranny is when a judge makes a decision a right winger don't like. Tough Shit sandwich.

The picture of the protesters were a part of a new MSNBC artic
hle after the reuling tpoday that allowed the gay marriages to begin in 5 days is no new court case does.
hle after the reuling tpoday that allowed the gay marriages to begin in 5 days is no new court case does.
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