Friday, October 8, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
AMAZING!!! Exhibit number 2,456,8129 on the right wing's ignorance.
Note the constitutionally illiteracy of the far right. This fool has never heard of Article 6, Section 2 or Amendment 14, section 1. Teabaggers are drunk on stupid-juice!
Note the constitutionally illiteracy of the far right. This fool has never heard of Article 6, Section 2 or Amendment 14, section 1. Teabaggers are drunk on stupid-juice!
These right wing assholes think the media made up the Glen Beck claim that Obama hates white people and is a racist. The dumbest and most intolerant people in the nation become right wingers. They are constitutionally clueless; they don't know the definition of socialism, they never said a word when Bush ran the country into th ground and left Obama with a mess, they lie about the founders, and they don't even know what their flat-skulled apostle of division and hate has really said. Americans are getting dumber by the day, which is the only reason the right wing can grow.
Worst president? How about the one who lied about WMDs, started two UNFUNDED wars, an unpaid for prescription plan, and tax breaks for the highest earners that we could not afford. Now we are climbing out of mountains of GOP trash. This could take many years because much damage has been done. And those tax-breaks for "THE JOB CREATORS"! What a whopping success that was!
How's that workin' out for ya?
How's that workin' out for ya?
Radical Christian idiots are not thinking twice about giving radical Islamic idiots a recruiting tool which will cost American lives. These people are sick.
View my side by side table of the scriptures of the Bible, the Quran, and the Hadiths arranged according to themes HERE
Friday, August 27, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
The three signs in this picture reveals the constitutional ignorance of the right wing nutjobs. They need serious special ed tutoring of civics 101 at a slow enough rate for them to figure it out
Starting from the left the first sign states CALIFORNIA WHERE VOTES DON'T COUNT. Well, hombre, they do if they are constitutional. One can't put the bill of rights and the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment up for a vote! Get it dingbat?
The three signs in this picture reveals the constitutional ignorance of the right wing nutjobs. They need serious special ed tutoring of civics 101 at a slow enough rate for them to figure it out
The sign in the middle says, A MORAL WRONG CANNOT BE A CIVIL RIGHT. That is a real doozey and stinks
of conservative religious fascism in a nation where religion and government are separated by the religious test ban clause of Article 6 and the establishment clause of the First Amendment. Did you know that the Nazis created an entire bureaucracy to chace down homosexuals and anything to do with Abortions? Created by Himmler, Hitler and Meisinger in 1936, it was called THE REICH CENTRAL OFFICE FOR THE COMBATING OF HOMOSEXUALITY AND ABORTION.
For the longest time, inter-racial marriages were considered morally wrong but In 1967 the United States Supreme Court struck them all down. In 1968 a Gallup poll howed only 20% of Americans approved of mixed race marriages (me being one). Presently a new CNN poll shows a 52% American majority supporting marriage rights for gays and lesbians.
For the longest time, inter-racial marriages were considered morally wrong but In 1967 the United States Supreme Court struck them all down. In 1968 a Gallup poll howed only 20% of Americans approved of mixed race marriages (me being one). Presently a new CNN poll shows a 52% American majority supporting marriage rights for gays and lesbians.
The third sign STOP JUDICIAL TYRANNY is par for the course for the right wing because it represents such a large, ignorant political persuasion in the United States. This persuasion is devoid of an understanding of the constitution's separation or powers and the role of the judiciary to uphold the constitution. And they've never heard of Marbury V Madison which established judicial review as precedent by the USSC and still stands 207 years later because it reflects the intentions of the founders on judiciary powers. That means judicial review of contested laws passed by legislatures or ballot initiative is part of the judiciary's job.The nutcases are absolutely clueless.
Conservatives are people who think its tyranny when someone they don't like gets equal protection under the law; the Bill of Rights. Conservative are people who retch about their lost liberties, WHICH ARE NONE, but hate the gained liberties of groups they wish to keep oppressed. These are the same people that called the Supreme Court case striking down laws against inter-racial marriages - JUDICIAL TYRANNY! The same people that called the Supreme Court holding in Brown V Board of Education - JUDICIAL TYRANNY! JUDICIAL TYRANNY GAVE WOMEN THE RIGHT OF REPRODUCTIVE CHOICE! IT WAS JUCIAL TYRANNY WHEN CHILD LABOR WAS POUTLAWED
The definition of judicial tyranny is when a judge makes a decision a right winger don't like. Tough Shit sandwich.

The picture of the protesters were a part of a new MSNBC artic
hle after the reuling tpoday that allowed the gay marriages to begin in 5 days is no new court case does.
hle after the reuling tpoday that allowed the gay marriages to begin in 5 days is no new court case does.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Rand Paul Camp Threatening to Sue Magazine Over Report He 'Kidnapped' Woman While in College
Published August 10, 2010
U.S. Senate candidate Rand Paul is threatening to sue a magazine following a report that alleges he kidnapped a female friend and tried to force her to smoke marijuana as a college student at Baylor University.
GQ Magazine published a report Monday anonymously quoting a woman who claimed Paul and another man came to her house, blindfolded her, and tied her up before trying to force her to "take bong hits" in 1983 when the three were students at Baylor University in Waco, Texas.
The report also alleges that Paul, who is running as the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Kentucky, was part of a secret society called the NoZe Brotherhood, which "existed to torment the Baylor administration" through "pranks" and its student-run satirical newspaper.
Paul told Fox News that he "categorically" denies the kidnapping allegation. "This stuff is just outrageous and ridiculous. No, I never was involved with kidnapping. No, I never was involved with forcibly drugging people," he said.
Paul’s spokesman, Jesse Benton, said Tuesday that the account "is made up or distorted beyond recognition" and accused the reporter, Jason Zengerle, of driving a "leftist agenda" meant to damage Paul’s campaign.
Benton said the campaign is considering legal action against the magazine, but acknowledged that, "We need all of our money going to the campaign and not to attorneys."
"We have a limited amount of time and financial resources for this kind of thing," he said.
The magazine, meanwhile, is standing by its story. GQ editor-in-chief Jim Nelson said in an e-mail statement Tuesday that "We've vetted, researched and exhaustively fact-checked Jason Zengerle's reporting on Rand Paul's college days."
"We stand by the story, and we gave the Paul campaign every opportunity to refute it," he said. "We notice that they have not, in fact, refuted it.”
Paul, the 47-year-old son of Republican Texas Rep. Ron Paul, says he attended Baylor University in the early 1980s but never graduated. He reportedly opted to leave the school early when he was accepted to medical school at Duke University, where he earned his medical degree in 1988.
The woman, quoted in GQ, told the magazine that Paul and another member of the brotherhood drove her to a creek after she refused to smoke marijuana and forced her to worship an "Aqua Buddha."
"They told me their god was 'Aqua Buddha' and that I needed to bow down and worship him," the woman reportedly told the magazine. "They blindfolded me and made me bow down to 'Aqua Buddha' in the creek. I had to say, 'I worship you Aqua Buddha, I worship you.'
"They never hurt me, they never did anything wrong, but the whole thing was kind of sadistic. They were messing with my mind. It was some kind of joke," the woman reportedly said.
While Benton would not confirm Paul’s involvement with the NoZe Brotherhood, campaign sources have described the group as a "benign" fraternity of sorts that engaged in community service, published "irreverent" writings and "pulled a few pranks."
The campaign of Paul's Democratic opponent, Jack Conway, had no comment on the story when contacted Tuesday by
Rand Paul Camp Threatening to Sue Magazine Over Report He 'Kidnapped' Woman While in College
Published August 10, 2010
U.S. Senate candidate Rand Paul is threatening to sue a magazine following a report that alleges he kidnapped a female friend and tried to force her to smoke marijuana as a college student at Baylor University.
GQ Magazine published a report Monday anonymously quoting a woman who claimed Paul and another man came to her house, blindfolded her, and tied her up before trying to force her to "take bong hits" in 1983 when the three were students at Baylor University in Waco, Texas.
The report also alleges that Paul, who is running as the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Kentucky, was part of a secret society called the NoZe Brotherhood, which "existed to torment the Baylor administration" through "pranks" and its student-run satirical newspaper.
Paul told Fox News that he "categorically" denies the kidnapping allegation. "This stuff is just outrageous and ridiculous. No, I never was involved with kidnapping. No, I never was involved with forcibly drugging people," he said.
Paul’s spokesman, Jesse Benton, said Tuesday that the account "is made up or distorted beyond recognition" and accused the reporter, Jason Zengerle, of driving a "leftist agenda" meant to damage Paul’s campaign.
Benton said the campaign is considering legal action against the magazine, but acknowledged that, "We need all of our money going to the campaign and not to attorneys."
"We have a limited amount of time and financial resources for this kind of thing," he said.
The magazine, meanwhile, is standing by its story. GQ editor-in-chief Jim Nelson said in an e-mail statement Tuesday that "We've vetted, researched and exhaustively fact-checked Jason Zengerle's reporting on Rand Paul's college days."
"We stand by the story, and we gave the Paul campaign every opportunity to refute it," he said. "We notice that they have not, in fact, refuted it.”
Paul, the 47-year-old son of Republican Texas Rep. Ron Paul, says he attended Baylor University in the early 1980s but never graduated. He reportedly opted to leave the school early when he was accepted to medical school at Duke University, where he earned his medical degree in 1988.
The woman, quoted in GQ, told the magazine that Paul and another member of the brotherhood drove her to a creek after she refused to smoke marijuana and forced her to worship an "Aqua Buddha."
"They told me their god was 'Aqua Buddha' and that I needed to bow down and worship him," the woman reportedly told the magazine. "They blindfolded me and made me bow down to 'Aqua Buddha' in the creek. I had to say, 'I worship you Aqua Buddha, I worship you.'
"They never hurt me, they never did anything wrong, but the whole thing was kind of sadistic. They were messing with my mind. It was some kind of joke," the woman reportedly said.
While Benton would not confirm Paul’s involvement with the NoZe Brotherhood, campaign sources have described the group as a "benign" fraternity of sorts that engaged in community service, published "irreverent" writings and "pulled a few pranks."
The campaign of Paul's Democratic opponent, Jack Conway, had no comment on the story when contacted Tuesday by
"I know people are very frightened about what's going on in this country," Angle said in an interview that originally aired on April 21 with TruNews Christian Radio's Rick Wile. "And these programs that you mentioned -- that Obama has going with Reid and Pelosi pushing them forward -- are all entitlement programs built to make government our God. And that's really what's happening in this country is a violation of the First Commandment. We have become a country entrenched in idolatry, and that idolatry is the dependency upon our government. We're supposed to depend upon God for our protection and our provision and for our daily bread, not for our government. And you've just identified the real crux of the problem."
Sunday, August 8, 2010
The NAACP is considering passing a resolution condemning the tea party activists' racism. Of course they deny it. So lets do a review of some tea party signs.
The NAACP is considering passing a resolution condemning the tea party activists' racism. Of course they deny it. So lets do a review of some tea party signs.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Whether its the Tea Party or the religious right, these ignorant and intolerant people hate liberty unless its their own. If we are to judge Christians by what they did before the enlightenment, Islam is a tame religion. All religions tend to violence as a way to make their points. Both the Bible and the Quran are filled with threats and violence originating with their deity, which is the Jewish Jehovah. Its the nature of the beast. See my side by side look at scriptures from the Bible and the Quran
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
We Colored People have taken a vote and decided that we don't cotton to that whole emancipation thing. Freedom means having to work for real, think for ourselves, and take consequences along with the rewards. That is just far too much to ask of us Colored People and we demand that it stop!
Perhaps the most racist point of all in the tea parties is their demand that government "stop raising our taxes." That is outrageous! How will we Colored People ever get a wide screen TV in every room if non-coloreds get to keep what they earn? Totally racist! The tea party expects coloreds to be productive members of society?
Mr. Lincoln, you were the greatest racist ever. We had a great gig. Three squares, room and board, all our decisions made by the massa in the house. Please repeal the 13th and 14th Amendments and let us get back to where we belong.
The National Tea Party Federation has expelled Mark Williams and his Tea Party Express, says a Federation spokesman. Williams was expelled from the Tea Party movement for his racist "letter" to Lincoln -- which according to CNN read:
"Dear Mr. Lincoln," began the fictional letter posted by Williams. "We Coloreds have taken a vote and decided that we don't cotton to that whole emancipation thing. Freedom means having to work for real, think for ourselves, and take consequences along with the rewards. That is just far too much to ask of us Colored People and we demand that it stop!
Meanwhile according to the New York Times Sarah Palin is very busy endorsing more and more far right Republicans to run in the next election. This is good news.
Many of "her" candidates are people like Williams, extremists tight with the "Tea Party" not to mention the far right of the evangelical movement. They'll be shaming her, the Republicans and the nation. Just wait. Pray Palin's picks all win in the Republican primaries!
The Times notes Palin's endorsement of Karen Handel:
"Last week, Ms. Handel became at least the 50th candidate to win the Palin seal of approval. Through a breezy 194 words posted on Ms. Palin's Facebook page -- calling Ms. Handel a "pro-life, pro-Constitutionalist with a can-do attitude" -- a four-way Republican primary came alive, the latest in a number of races across the country that have been influenced by Ms. Palin."
The "Pro-Life" label is Palin's code to Evangelical (and far right Catholics too) that Handel (and the rest) "is one of us." But who is "us"? Does America really want Palin's hand-picked pro-lifers running the country any more than we want the sort of folks who mock slavery?
I have to believe that most Americans don't want crazy evangelicals running their country, not after 8 years of the crazy evangelical poster boy -- Bush. But that's just who Palin is endorsing: religious nuts like herself. With the loose cannons like Williams out there combined with the fringe evangelicals and pro-lifers etc. Palin is helping to turn November into a season of victory for progressives.
It's time to understand our particular American brand of politicized religious idiocy and stop it. I'm a novelist and storyteller. So my way of telling the story of what the Religious Right did to America is to fold it into the individual story of my life. I do this in my book Crazy for God: How I Grew Up as One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right, and Lived to Take All (or Almost All) of It Back for two reasons: first, it's (hopefully) entertaining and provides insight into the Evangelical Right Wing mindset; second: it so happens that my father (Francis Schaeffer) and I became leaders in the Far Religious Right movement and then I quit back in the 80s.
So, my story in Crazy For God provides a window into millions of similar lives but also the (somewhat scandalous and controversial) story of one life and family that touched millions of others.
Judging by the (literally) many thousands of emails I've been sent in the last couple of years in response to my examination of religion and politics (in books like Crazy For God and and in my Huffington Post blogs) there are lots of bewildered individuals who, like me, were also raised believing that Every Single Word Of The Bible Is True. These folks are now staggering through life in the grip of a paranoid nightmare. And many people who aren't religious ask:
1) How did the Religious Loony Tunes (say like Sarah Palin) get to be this way?
2) How can they be stopped from taking us all with them to La La Land?
These survivors of the Right like me and of fundamentalist religion know -- from the inside -- just why we don't ever want to allow Palin's people near the levers of power. But the good news is this: Palin's picks are so extreme and/or just nuts that they will take down the Republican's chances with them. Be sure of this: Palin's picks will do what Williams did in one way or another again and again. This is one sorry dysfunctional group of people!
The Far Right world you'll discover if you read my books is one of counterintuitive contradictions, where virginity is upheld as a standard by people also secretly ogling porn and brooding over the "fact" that the Federal Reserve is harboring the anti-Christ and/or, at the very least, is in the Grip of Socialists out to take our country away from Us Real Americans. These are the same folks against all legal abortions and also against distributing contraceptives. These are the people who defend legalized torture but think health care for all is demonic and communist. And they do it all in the Name of Jesus. Go figure.
Overt racism will play a part but its the sex scandals that will (no pun) keep coming. Sexual frustration and dysfunction seems to me to be the heart of the culture wars. Conservative Christians are reeling from damaging family experiences -- ranging from being beaten (in the interest of "godly discipline") to being indoctrinated about science, sexuality and politics. And they're in for disillusionment: finding out that their leaders (in the various personality cults they join that pass for "churches") aren't just fallen sinners in some general theological sense, but are actually cynical manipulators and willful liars, not to mention total hypocrites.
The total sexual dysfunction of the evangelical community is starting to show. The growing list of sex scandals is a ritualized "fall from Grace" that has become a trend. The moralistic denial of healthy heterosexual and homosexual sexuality has unhinged Evangelical leadership as much as it has unhinged the Roman Catholic pedophile-enabling popes and bishops.
If you've ever wondered who in their right mind could have taken Fox News and/or Rush Limbaugh and/or Pat Robertson seriously, here's your answer; amongst others are hundreds of thousands of individuals reared in the closed evangelical information loop.
"Who are these people?" many Americans ask when they watch apparent lunatics screaming at political rallies or attacking President Obama as a "communist" or "traitor." Maybe a few clichéd catch phrases can provide a shorthand true-or-false type "questionnaire" that, depending on a person's response, would quickly identify what culture war "camp" they're from: "Health care reform will mean Death Panels..." "Obama is the anti-Christ..." "The Earth is six thousand years old..." "Carrying a loaded gun anywhere I want to in public is a basic American right..." "Sex education just leads to more teen pregnancy..." "The United Nations is the harbinger of the End Times..." "Israel should take and keep all of Judea and Samaria to fulfill prophecy so Jesus will return..." "The Federal Government is evil..." "Slavery in the old South wasn't as bad as liberals say..." "America was founded as a Christian nation..." "Iraq was involved in the attack of 9/11..." "We must return to the gold standard..." "The Bible is all true..." "Stem cell research is murder."
If someone has believed (or presently believes) that any one of these statements is true -- let alone that all of them are -- chances are they fit my shorthand psychological/theological profile of a person who has snapped after being "saved." And you can bet that every single candidate Palin endorses believes most if not all the nutty points raised above.
Because they are living within an alternative subculture, the sorts of people Palin endorses and who will vote for them need their beliefs constantly reinforced: enter the alternate "America" of Christian radio, publishing, education, think tanks, colleges, movies, trinkets, rock, pop, TV, magazines, websites, travel clubs, book clubs, cruises, vacations, yellow pages... all so that they may suck on their own pipelines of "reality."
This too is good news: it means that when in a general election Palin's people face Democrats they will be shocked by the reality that their alternate world misled them into thinking that there are more Americans like them than there are. Put it this way: the world according to Fox News doesn't exist. It "works" when you are talking to yourself but not to others. They will lose.
This imbibing of likeminded affirmation is the only way they feel comfortable receiving "facts." So the loop remains closed and every argument becomes circular. Try talking to a right wing evangelical clone and question something they claim the "Bible says."
They will quote the same book back to you as if quoting the very book being questioned is the answer to those questions!
Here's an analogy:
"Your math book says two plus two equals five and that has been shown to be false."
"No. no, my book is correct when it says two plus two equals five because there are several other passages that back that statement up in my book!"
Expect many more scandals from racist "letters" to more sex scandals involving "family values" people. The total sexual dysfunction of the whole American evangelical community is starting to show. The ritualized "fall from Grace" has become a trend, in fact more usual than unusual. The evangelical theological/moralistic denial of healthy heterosexual and homosexual sexuality has -- apparently -- unhinged not just rank and file but their entire leadership much as it has unhinged the Roman Catholic leadership. (Consider the case of George Rekers as one of hundreds of examples.)
And for every famous Reckers-style fall from grace there are thousands of local faith-challenging falls. Many of these aren't sexual. Add in financial local and national scandals sexual, financial and otherwise, and the list of disillusioning "Christian" malfeasance becomes huge. Add in Roman Catholic priests molesting children and their pope and bishops covering up for them and criminally enabling them and the disillusioning list goes stratospheric. Add in many pastors' ego factor, greed and empire-building (even the ones who keep their pants zipped) and almost every prominent religious leader is on the list.
So the good news is this: Palin is endorsing people who are sure to implode in one way or another. November will be great for Democrats if Palin's extremist religious picks wind up on the ticket all over America. Pray it's so.
America needs to be pried out of the smothering grip of fundamentalist religions of all kinds and the anti-American anti-truth anti-politics that fundamentalism spawns. This isn't optional. Palin will help America have a very clear choice.
Frank Schaeffer is a writer and author of book Crazy for God: How I Grew Up as One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right, and Lived to Take All (or Almost All) of It Back
Friday, July 16, 2010
Earlier this week the NAACP called on the Tea Party to reject the racism that exists within its own ranks.1 Not surprisingly, Tea Party activists were outraged and denied that racism is a part of their movement — despite a clear, documented pattern of bigotry and hate.2
Then yesterday, one of the Tea Party's biggest leaders proved the NAACP's point. Mark Williams, the public face of the Tea Party Express, attacked the NAACP as a "racist" organization, and said"they make more money off of race than any slave trader, ever."3,4 He went on to write a blog post implying that Black people don't like to work or think for themselves, that we depend on welfare, and that we want to benefit from White people's tax dollars so we can have a widescreen TV in every room.5 Sadly, we're not exaggerating.
Above From newsletter
You have to admit, folks these people are not only idiots, they are hypocritical idiots. These are racist and religiously intolerant people. They are John Birchers, Joe McCarthies, a touch of the KKK, and anyone to the left of Hitler is a communist! When God made conservative brains he conserved.
You have to admit, folks these people are not only idiots, they are hypocritical idiots. These are racist and religiously intolerant people. They are John Birchers, Joe McCarthies, a touch of the KKK, and anyone to the left of Hitler is a communist! When God made conservative brains he conserved.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Federal Ban on Homosexual ‘Marriage’ Is Ruled Unconstitutional in Massachusetts
Friday, July 09, 2010
By Denise Lavoie, Associated Press
Friday, July 09, 2010
By Denise Lavoie, Associated Press
Boston (AP) - A federal judge's rulings in Massachusetts that the federal law banning gay marriage is unconstitutional could have implications far beyond the state if they're upheld by a higher court after an appeal by the Obama administration, legal experts say.
U.S. District Judge Joseph Tauro said the law, the Defense of Marriage Act, interferes with the right of a state to define marriage and therefore denies married gay couples some federal benefits. He ruled Thursday in favor of gay couples' rights in two separate challenges to DOMA, which the administration of President Barack Obama has argued for repealing.
The rulings apply to Massachusetts, but if a higher court with a broader jurisdiction were to hear an appeal and agree with the judge's rulings, their impact would spread, said Boston College professor Kent Greenfield, a constitutional law expert. The rulings might encourage other attorneys general who oppose DOMA to sue to try to knock it down, he said.
"One thing that's going to be really interesting to watch is whether the Obama administration appeals or not," he said.
An appeal would be considered by the First Circuit, which also includes Rhode Island, Maine and New Hampshire.
The Department of Justice didn't immediately say whether it would appeal; it was reviewing the judge's decisions, spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler said.
Massachusetts had argued the law denied benefits such as Medicaid to gay married couples in the state, where same-sex unions have been legal since 2004.
The judge agreed and said the law forces Massachusetts to discriminate against its own citizens to be eligible for federal funding in federal-state partnerships.
The act "plainly encroaches" upon the right of the state to determine marriage, the judge said in his ruling on a lawsuit filed by state Attorney General Martha Coakley. In a ruling in a separate case filed by Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders, or GLAD, the judge said the act violates the equal protection clause of the U.S. Constitution.
"Congress undertook this classification for the one purpose that lies entirely outside of legislative bounds, to disadvantage a group of which it disapproves," he wrote. "And such a classification the Constitution clearly will not permit."
One of the plaintiffs in the GLAD lawsuit, Nancy Gill, said she was "thrilled" with the rulings.
"I'm so happy I can't even put it into words," she said.
Gill and Marcelle Letourneau married in Massachusetts in 2004 after being together for more than 20 years.
When Gill, a U.S. postal worker, tried to add Letourneau to her family health plan, she was denied. The couple was forced to get separate insurance for Letourneau, who has a medical transcription business at home and does administrative work for the local Visiting Nurse Association.
Letourneau called the rulings "life-changing."
"I can get on Nancy's insurance," she said. "That's just a huge victory, and it gives us peace of mind."
Coakley called it a "landmark decision" and "an important step toward achieving equality for all married couples in Massachusetts."
The Department of Justice had argued the federal government had the right to set eligibility requirements for federal benefits -- including requiring that those benefits go only to couples in marriages between a man and a woman.
Opponents of gay marriage said they were certain the rulings would be overturned on appeal.
Andrea Lafferty, executive director of the Traditional Values Coalition, called the judge's rulings "judicial activism" and said he was a "rogue judge." Gay marriage advocates will keep pushing their agenda in the courts, she said, but noted voters consistently have rejected gay marriage at the ballot box, including in a recent California vote.
"We can't allow the lowest common denominator states, like Massachusetts, to set standards for the country," Lafferty said.
Tom McClusky, senior vice president of the conservative Family Research Council, said the rulings result in part from "the deliberately weak legal defense of DOMA" that the Obama administration mounted on behalf of the government.
"While the American people have made it unmistakably clear that they want to preserve marriage as the legal union of one man and one woman, liberals and activist judges are not content to let the people decide," McClusky said in a statement.
The law was enacted by Congress in 1996, when it appeared Hawaii would soon legalize same-sex marriage and opponents worried that other states would be forced to recognize such marriages. The lawsuit challenges only the portion of the law that prevents the federal government from affording pension and other benefits to same-sex couples.
Since then, five states and the District of Columbia have legalized gay marriage.
U.S. District Judge Joseph Tauro said the law, the Defense of Marriage Act, interferes with the right of a state to define marriage and therefore denies married gay couples some federal benefits. He ruled Thursday in favor of gay couples' rights in two separate challenges to DOMA, which the administration of President Barack Obama has argued for repealing.
The rulings apply to Massachusetts, but if a higher court with a broader jurisdiction were to hear an appeal and agree with the judge's rulings, their impact would spread, said Boston College professor Kent Greenfield, a constitutional law expert. The rulings might encourage other attorneys general who oppose DOMA to sue to try to knock it down, he said.
"One thing that's going to be really interesting to watch is whether the Obama administration appeals or not," he said.
An appeal would be considered by the First Circuit, which also includes Rhode Island, Maine and New Hampshire.
The Department of Justice didn't immediately say whether it would appeal; it was reviewing the judge's decisions, spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler said.
Massachusetts had argued the law denied benefits such as Medicaid to gay married couples in the state, where same-sex unions have been legal since 2004.
The judge agreed and said the law forces Massachusetts to discriminate against its own citizens to be eligible for federal funding in federal-state partnerships.
The act "plainly encroaches" upon the right of the state to determine marriage, the judge said in his ruling on a lawsuit filed by state Attorney General Martha Coakley. In a ruling in a separate case filed by Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders, or GLAD, the judge said the act violates the equal protection clause of the U.S. Constitution.
"Congress undertook this classification for the one purpose that lies entirely outside of legislative bounds, to disadvantage a group of which it disapproves," he wrote. "And such a classification the Constitution clearly will not permit."
One of the plaintiffs in the GLAD lawsuit, Nancy Gill, said she was "thrilled" with the rulings.
"I'm so happy I can't even put it into words," she said.
Gill and Marcelle Letourneau married in Massachusetts in 2004 after being together for more than 20 years.
When Gill, a U.S. postal worker, tried to add Letourneau to her family health plan, she was denied. The couple was forced to get separate insurance for Letourneau, who has a medical transcription business at home and does administrative work for the local Visiting Nurse Association.
Letourneau called the rulings "life-changing."
"I can get on Nancy's insurance," she said. "That's just a huge victory, and it gives us peace of mind."
Coakley called it a "landmark decision" and "an important step toward achieving equality for all married couples in Massachusetts."
The Department of Justice had argued the federal government had the right to set eligibility requirements for federal benefits -- including requiring that those benefits go only to couples in marriages between a man and a woman.
Opponents of gay marriage said they were certain the rulings would be overturned on appeal.
Andrea Lafferty, executive director of the Traditional Values Coalition, called the judge's rulings "judicial activism" and said he was a "rogue judge." Gay marriage advocates will keep pushing their agenda in the courts, she said, but noted voters consistently have rejected gay marriage at the ballot box, including in a recent California vote.
"We can't allow the lowest common denominator states, like Massachusetts, to set standards for the country," Lafferty said.
Tom McClusky, senior vice president of the conservative Family Research Council, said the rulings result in part from "the deliberately weak legal defense of DOMA" that the Obama administration mounted on behalf of the government.
"While the American people have made it unmistakably clear that they want to preserve marriage as the legal union of one man and one woman, liberals and activist judges are not content to let the people decide," McClusky said in a statement.
The law was enacted by Congress in 1996, when it appeared Hawaii would soon legalize same-sex marriage and opponents worried that other states would be forced to recognize such marriages. The lawsuit challenges only the portion of the law that prevents the federal government from affording pension and other benefits to same-sex couples.
Since then, five states and the District of Columbia have legalized gay marriage.
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